You are currently viewing INVITATION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS for the lease of two passenger vehicles

INVITATION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS for the lease of two passenger vehicles

INVITATION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF OFFERS for the lease of two (2) passenger vehicles

in order to implement the project entitled “HELIOS-Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection”

File code: 82/24.02.2020

Subject: Leasing of Passenger Vehicles


Submission Method:

Electronically at the email address:


The INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY & HUMAN RESOURCES URBAN NON-PROFIT CORPORATION (I.A.T.A.P.) in the framework of the implementation of the project entitled “HELIOS – Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection”

within the framework of the contract concluded between the International Organization for Migration and “IATAP AMKE” (LEG Reference: GR/001113/IMPL JK), requests offers for the “lease of two (2) passenger vehicles” for the needs of the project.

Vehicle Specifications:

Passenger car 1,400 cubic meters
4500 km/month
Fuel supply, Petrol, Diesel
Mixed insurance
Theft insurrance
Roadside assistance
Possibility of declaring at least two (2) drivers per vehicle
In case of breakdown or accident, vehicle replacement within 48 hours at the latest
Estimated rental cost: The total rental cost should be modeled according to market conditions. I.A.T.A.P is not obligated to accept the lowest or any offer.

Quantity: Two (2) passenger vehicles

Your offer must clearly state:

  1. Total per vehicle
  2. By fuel supply (Petrol and Diesel)
  3. VAT: 24%
  4. Total Price including VAT:
  5. Prices should be net after any discounts are deducted
  6. Lease start date: From 1/03/2020 to 30/11/2020. Rental period 9 months with the possibility of extension up to 7 months at the same price.
  7. Period of validity of the offer: The offer and related prices must have a period of validity of at least 1 month Information for bidders: Prices should be in EUROS.

Payment will be made to the contractor’s bank account after consultation with the I.A.T.A.P.
Questions will be submitted in writing to the email address